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Thread: Slim T going overboard with the typing accent...

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by neveragain39 View Post
    Gamble-bot wins thread, and it isn't even close.


    What makes you say that?

    I thought his contribution was typically irrelevant. Don't get me wrong I like the guy a lot but I think this post says a lot about his current condition.

    I'm guessing it's the crowd he's hanging around with.
    I don't know what crowd you think I hang out with but I can tell you it's not at a library and it ain't looking at porn.
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    My mom has a few special requests actually, Vwls do you do any freelance work? For fun or at least pretty cheap? Mostly cutesy stuff with her horses and baby foal who is still a baby but a freaking huge one let me tell you.

  2. #22
    Bronze Yebsite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post


    What makes you say that?

    I thought his contribution was typically irrelevant. Don't get me wrong I like the guy a lot but I think this post says a lot about his current condition.

    I'm guessing it's the crowd he's hanging around with.
    I don't know what crowd you think I hang out with but I can tell you it's not at a library and it ain't looking at porn.
    Me defeating Druff 100 BB heads up -

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post


    What makes you say that?

    I thought his contribution was typically irrelevant. Don't get me wrong I like the guy a lot but I think this post says a lot about his current condition.

    I'm guessing it's the crowd he's hanging around with.
    I don't know what crowd you think I hang out with but I can tell you it's not at a library and it ain't looking at porn.
    No that's not the crowd I was thinking of because there aren't many crowds doing that. The crowd you hang with is the bathroom crowd. There you can repeatedly "check your look" and tell each other your shit doesn't stink.

  4. #24
    Platinum JUSTIFIEDhomicide's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post

    I don't know what crowd you think I hang out with but I can tell you it's not at a library and it ain't looking at porn.
    No that's not the crowd I was thinking of because there aren't many crowds doing that. The crowd you hang with is the bathroom crowd. There you can repeatedly "check your look" and tell each other your shit doesn't stink.

    This is exactly what ugly unsuccessful people envision people like him doing.

  5. #25
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yebsite View Post
    i done be ready for wsop 2012 - i done hoped to meet drexel and jean rider and bubbles and seriousserious - i aint wants to meet nobody else from the poker world - just them for would be cool

    slim t

    there's no way the guy types with a hick accent... slim ur trying too hard i think.. getting on the air for radio creates some sort of stigma and i guess you're trying to stick to the character... do me a favor and attempt to type like someone would with a 6th grade education... just give it a shot...
    How did you get that picture of David Sklansky?

  6. #26
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    He obv just came out of the library bathroom

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JUSTIFIEDhomicide View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    No that's not the crowd I was thinking of because there aren't many crowds doing that. The crowd you hang with is the bathroom crowd. There you can repeatedly "check your look" and tell each other your shit doesn't stink.

    This is exactly what ugly unsuccessful people envision people like him doing.

    i'm not even understanding what this "bathroom crowd" is doing. Are you saying I spend more time than usual in a bathroom? I mean I have a very strong bladder. Are you saying I am there to look in the mirror? Because at bars/clubs/restaurants there are plenty of mirrors to look in if I was so inclined. I don't really tell others that my shit doesn't stink because that sounds pretty retarded. I'd like to think real confidence comes natural, although everybody even loses their natural confidence from time to time. I guess banging a lot of high end girls in a short time was my attempt to gain my confidence back. Anyway, I'm not even sure what you are implying, but I am glad you are interested in talking about me.
    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    My mom has a few special requests actually, Vwls do you do any freelance work? For fun or at least pretty cheap? Mostly cutesy stuff with her horses and baby foal who is still a baby but a freaking huge one let me tell you.

  8. #28
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    I rather enjoy when a forum poster sticks to his gimmick and never breaks character. Takes commitment.

    I also enjoy delaware's posts, though, so I'm clearly not in the majority there...

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JUSTIFIEDhomicide View Post

    This is exactly what ugly unsuccessful people envision people like him doing.

    i'm not even understanding what this "bathroom crowd" is doing. Are you saying I spend more time than usual in a bathroom? I mean I have a very strong bladder. Are you saying I am there to look in the mirror? Because at bars/clubs/restaurants there are plenty of mirrors to look in if I was so inclined. I don't really tell others that my shit doesn't stink because that sounds pretty retarded. I'd like to think real confidence comes natural, although everybody even loses their natural confidence from time to time. I guess banging a lot of high end girls in a short time was my attempt to gain my confidence back. Anyway, I'm not even sure what you are implying, but I am glad you are interested in talking about me.
    You started this with your library picture. So we assume (lol) you took the pic of the man in the library looking at porn, otherwise why put it in this thread. The "my crowd" reference was a know..... "it's not my son that's the trouble maker it's the crowd he hangs around with" when you put an irrelevant picture in a thread, I assume it's a cry for help.

    We all know what a narcissist you are so the library bathroom would be the natural location for you because it has shit and mirrors. Your history of bragging leads me to believe you think your shit doesn't smell, so it all comes together in my comment.

    Your statement about banging high school girls is evidence of the bragging and in your mind confidence. It also could be the opposite of confidence. Continually reminding yourself and others of your conquests in high school (Al Bundy) can be seen as a form of insecurity.
    Last edited by limitles; 05-31-2012 at 07:42 AM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post

    i'm not even understanding what this "bathroom crowd" is doing. Are you saying I spend more time than usual in a bathroom? I mean I have a very strong bladder. Are you saying I am there to look in the mirror? Because at bars/clubs/restaurants there are plenty of mirrors to look in if I was so inclined. I don't really tell others that my shit doesn't stink because that sounds pretty retarded. I'd like to think real confidence comes natural, although everybody even loses their natural confidence from time to time. I guess banging a lot of high end girls in a short time was my attempt to gain my confidence back. Anyway, I'm not even sure what you are implying, but I am glad you are interested in talking about me.
    You started this with your library picture. So we assume (lol) you took the pic of the man in the library looking at porn, otherwise why put it in this thread. The "my crowd" reference was a know..... "it's not my son that's the trouble maker it's the crowd he hangs around with" when you put an irrelevant picture in a thread, I assume it's a cry for help.

    We all know what a narcissist you are so the library the bathroom would be the natural location for you because it has shit and mirrors. Your history of bragging leads me to believe you think your shit doesn't smell, so it all comes together in my comment.

    Your statement about banging high school girls is evidence of the bragging and in your mind confidence. It also could be the opposite of confidence. Continually reminding yourself and others of your conquests in high school (Al Bundy) can be seen as a form of insecurity.
    To clarify, He said "banging high end girls", not "high school girls".
    You on another bender tonight les, or am I missing something?

  11. #31
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    haters never gets to love

  12. #32
    Welcher jsearles22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slim T View Post
    haters never gets to love

    Name:  haters.jpg
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    It's hilarious that we as a society think everyone can be a dr, a lawyer, an engineer. Some people are just fucking stupid. Why can't we just accept that?

  13. #33
    Bronze Yebsite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slim T View Post
    haters never gets to love
    give talking normal a shot t... if your so ingrained with white trash DNA and are unable to i understand...

    Me defeating Druff 100 BB heads up -

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by neveragain39 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    You started this with your library picture. So we assume (lol) you took the pic of the man in the library looking at porn, otherwise why put it in this thread. The "my crowd" reference was a know..... "it's not my son that's the trouble maker it's the crowd he hangs around with" when you put an irrelevant picture in a thread, I assume it's a cry for help.

    We all know what a narcissist you are so the library the bathroom would be the natural location for you because it has shit and mirrors. Your history of bragging leads me to believe you think your shit doesn't smell, so it all comes together in my comment.

    Your statement about banging high school girls is evidence of the bragging and in your mind confidence. It also could be the opposite of confidence. Continually reminding yourself and others of your conquests in high school (Al Bundy) can be seen as a form of insecurity.
    To clarify, He said "banging high end girls", not "high school girls".
    You on another bender tonight les, or am I missing something?
    Missed that, my bad......still whether it's high school or high end my point stands. Bragging is related to an insecurity. So is banging as many babes as you can and not being able to commit to one person. Lots of psychology happening here.

    It all was meant as a good natured jab but then his inability to detect humour in anything reared it's ugly head. Gamebletot is a nerd first and foremost. He keeps trying to prove otherwise.

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