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Thread: Justin Bonomo threatened with disqualification at $25k WSOP Atlantis event, with 16 remaining, if he didn't remove his keffiyeh

  1. #41
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    It’s always Hanukkah in Santa Monica.

  2. #42
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I think Liv looks excellent for 40, and still very good overall.

    There is a nonzero chance that Elon Musk indirectly paid for that buyin, though.

      420powersme: Liv looks very good for 40

  3. #43
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Bonomo DNC keffiyeh fail, October 2024:

  4. #44
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think Liv looks excellent for 40, and still very good overall.
    She reminds me of Gina “Miss Brown” Fiore the advantage player who is now working with Captain Jack and Rufus Peabody

    Miss Brown is far more interesting and I believe more successful.

    Old picture but similar ages now

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    She was recently on VSIN. She’s been on TheRinger and everywhere else.

    (Deliberate derail cause the woke bullshit and twitter nonsense that WSOP just gives more fuel to has ruined interest in poker)

  5. #45
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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  6. #46
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Matt the Rat posted a clip about old man Gambledor at the tables playing poker and it received crickets cause basically we traffic in woke bullshit which I have interest in.

    I loved the post and wish there was more poker but I’m a realist.

    Don’t feed it

  7. #47
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    San, you'll be interested in this thread from 3 years ago, regarding a matter from 2021:

    Gina almost came on PFA Radio, but it didn't happen because I chose not to get involved in a controversy raging internally at the time. Gina was doing some sort of Masterclass type thing regarding AP (advantage play) gambling. I thought this was a good time to invite her on the show, and I told her she could promote her class at the end of the segment. She agreed, and I was going to have her on the next episode. However, I have a lot of listeners in the AP community, and a number of them sent me very angry messages. They stated that they disagreed with her doing such a course, and felt she was providing the public with too much info. A few of them very sternly told me that they'd quit listening forever if I had her on and allowed her to promote this.

    I had to think a bit about this one. Was I really going to let a group of listeners tell me what to program on my show? After further consideration, I decided that this whole thing wasn't worth ruining my otherwise longstanding good relationship with these people, so I didn't have her on. I messaged her privately, told her what was happening (without naming names), and she said she understood.

    Would have made an interesting segment, though.

  8. #48
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    San, you'll be interested in this thread from 3 years ago, regarding a matter from 2021:

    Gina almost came on PFA Radio, but it didn't happen because I chose not to get involved in a controversy raging internally at the time. Gina was doing some sort of Masterclass type thing regarding AP (advantage play) gambling. I thought this was a good time to invite her on the show, and I told her she could promote her class at the end of the segment. She agreed, and I was going to have her on the next episode. However, I have a lot of listeners in the AP community, and a number of them sent me very angry messages. They stated that they disagreed with her doing such a course, and felt she was providing the public with too much info. A few of them very sternly told me that they'd quit listening forever if I had her on and allowed her to promote this.

    I had to think a bit about this one. Was I really going to let a group of listeners tell me what to program on my show? After further consideration, I decided that this whole thing wasn't worth ruining my otherwise longstanding good relationship with these people, so I didn't have her on. I messaged her privately, told her what was happening (without naming names), and she said she understood.

    Would have made an interesting segment, though.
    That is interesting. The VT crowd wanted the advantage tactics kept from the public.

    She has a pretty big footprint now and you can’t bury information.

    She is very well spoken for a gambler as are you and Gil Alexander. When I first heard her on The Ringer Gamblers series I was riveted. (Was this the series that Mickey was on? I forget)

    There is some kinda movie that has been made but yet to be released out her.

    Liv Boree has taken a crack at social media too but meh results

  9. #49

  10. #50
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    It’s always Hanukkah in Santa Monica.
    Big fan of Tom Lehrer.

    Amazingly the guy is still alive -- 96 years young.

    For a long time he was teaching a math class at UC Santa Cruz. Would've been cool to have taken that.

    How many mathematicians end up becoming comedy musicians?

    The oddest fact about Tom Lehrer is that he seems to be the inventor of the modern Jell-O shot. In the mid 1950s, he was in the Navy, and due to alcohol being banned from parties there, Lehrer smuggled in orange Jell-O with vodka, in order to get alcohol into the party which would appear to be something else. While gelatin and alcohol had been mixed as far back as the 1800s, this was the first known instance of the then-popular Jell-O being mixed with alcohol, and many sources have traced Jell-O shots originating from the Navy where Lehrer was stationed in the 1950s.

  11. #51
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    San, you'll be interested in this thread from 3 years ago, regarding a matter from 2021:

    Gina almost came on PFA Radio, but it didn't happen because I chose not to get involved in a controversy raging internally at the time. Gina was doing some sort of Masterclass type thing regarding AP (advantage play) gambling. I thought this was a good time to invite her on the show, and I told her she could promote her class at the end of the segment. She agreed, and I was going to have her on the next episode. However, I have a lot of listeners in the AP community, and a number of them sent me very angry messages. They stated that they disagreed with her doing such a course, and felt she was providing the public with too much info. A few of them very sternly told me that they'd quit listening forever if I had her on and allowed her to promote this.

    I had to think a bit about this one. Was I really going to let a group of listeners tell me what to program on my show? After further consideration, I decided that this whole thing wasn't worth ruining my otherwise longstanding good relationship with these people, so I didn't have her on. I messaged her privately, told her what was happening (without naming names), and she said she understood.

    Would have made an interesting segment, though.
    Gina was teaching blackjack hole carding which is a license to print money. Other hole carders were hard core against her teaching it. But she made a bunch of money doing it.

    I’ve gotten the same thing from some slot AP’s. Of course none of them knew anything until someone taught them. Then they get “now that I know about it everyone should stay quiet about it” syndrome.

    Years ago, James Grosjean, who many consider to be the best AP of all time, revealed the actual strategy employed when hole carding, but only to a select few. Still today they are all playing Grosjean’s strategy. But goddammit, you better not teach the Grosjean strategy to anyone else. They are the only ones that deserve it. Lol

    PS You’ll find the hole carders on the 6/5 tables.

  12. #52
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Lol poker jew lady going 'whatabout iphonez', too bad not everyone likes the Gaza holocaust.

    Bonomo cucking them hard

    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  13. #53
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Melanie used to appear on Donkdown Radio, and we were friendly acquaintances.

    Then the Lock Poker scandal occurred, where she worked as a pro, and she ended up blocking me due to criticisms I raised regarding the way the whole thing was handled.

    So it goes.

    In her defense, since the Lock debacle a decade ago, she has kept her head down and been a respectable member of the community.

    Still, I agree with her on this. She's basically stating that Justin misrepresents his supposed Judaism in order to bash Israel. That's 100% true. For years, Justin has stated that he was not raised Jewish, even though his dad was Jewish. He has also been clear that he's an atheist, and has been one for a long time. That's all well and good, but you can't suddenly claim your Judaism at that point when it's convenient to claim "insider" status in order to bash Jews/Israel.

    Here's her full statement:

    Some thoughts on two things I never thought I’d be compelled to combine in the same sentence, @WSOP and Judaism:

    Wsop is a private company and can run charities to benefit whatever orphans they want to, whether or not you ideologically support those *particular* orphans. WSOP reserves the sole right to ban any clothing they deem controversial. Don’t like it? You are 100% entitled to disagree. Vote with your dollars, boycott the WSOP.

    There will be zero people, including @JustinBonomo, boycotting the WSOP. Do you know why? Because despite all the rally-cries from Americans sitting in armchairs stuffed with western advantages, typing from their iPhones etched with labor abuses in China, they will actually never relinquish any luxuries or personal enrichment in service of what they “believe” in. The culture of virtue signaling > virtues themselves.

    I didn’t care to say anything public on this before, but after reading his soliloquy on His Judaism and His People, I really could not stomach it any longer. While @MazeOrBowie has correctly pointed out that Judaism is passed down maternally (ironically called “gatekeeping” by Justin, lol), that doesn’t really matter to me. I have personally had multiple conversations with Justin at parties in the past where he elucidated that he didn’t identify as Jewish, was a staunch atheist who wouldn’t classify himself that way, etc. Whether or not he has had a come-to-Abraham moment since then is irrelevant--he is now distorting Judaism as a core identity in order to amplify his ideological crusades, despite kowtowing to the grotesque, holocaust-denying Bilzerians of the world (as Justin says, his heart is in the right place, he’s just a smidge misguided).

    Of course, Justin won’t see this as I am blocked —he prefers to debate the less-educated and offer sweet reminders to people that their reading comprehension is inferior to his, instead of “deal” with a well-researched thorn in his side. These are the actions of someone he’d idealistically distance himself from, but in practice heartily embodies: a white man preferring to engage only when he can do so from a position of power.

    I do not care how Justin -or anyone- wants to identify, but using a weak and latent association to Judaism as a political tool is abhorrent. We are not only Your People when it’s convenient to support a sanctimonious self-image.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    San, you'll be interested in this thread from 3 years ago, regarding a matter from 2021:

    Gina almost came on PFA Radio, but it didn't happen because I chose not to get involved in a controversy raging internally at the time. Gina was doing some sort of Masterclass type thing regarding AP (advantage play) gambling. I thought this was a good time to invite her on the show, and I told her she could promote her class at the end of the segment. She agreed, and I was going to have her on the next episode. However, I have a lot of listeners in the AP community, and a number of them sent me very angry messages. They stated that they disagreed with her doing such a course, and felt she was providing the public with too much info. A few of them very sternly told me that they'd quit listening forever if I had her on and allowed her to promote this.

    I had to think a bit about this one. Was I really going to let a group of listeners tell me what to program on my show? After further consideration, I decided that this whole thing wasn't worth ruining my otherwise longstanding good relationship with these people, so I didn't have her on. I messaged her privately, told her what was happening (without naming names), and she said she understood.

    Would have made an interesting segment, though.
    those classes were as stated "printing money" courses. No clue how many she had but if I remember I think it was $5k for a weekend, dont quote that - could be some other thing im half remembering. But anyhow I wonder if anything changed after those classes, they were a while ago and at least a few people who couldnt ap for a living went and seem to be doing ok now. Its also public knowledge about the classes etc and her history is public (by her choosing) so I wonder if anything changed in hole-carding or some other aspect she taught on over these years... dunno, but if anyone wanna teach me to hole card i wont tell anyone!
    "Just Do Your Job"

    "Discipline or Regret"

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    In fact, that was the reason I opposed Colin Kaepernick's ability to protest the anthem at televised NFL games. If you accept the millions of dollars to play in the NFL, you give up your right to protest during their broadcasts. NFL broadcasts are not your platform to politically posture, nor are televised poker events.
    So, Nick Bosa should be blacklisted from the NFL, instead of eating the 5-figure pittance he was fined? Agree or disagree?

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Melanie used to appear on Donkdown Radio, and we were friendly acquaintances.

    Then the Lock Poker scandal occurred, where she worked as a pro, and she ended up blocking me due to criticisms I raised regarding the way the whole thing was handled.

    So it goes.

    In her defense, since the Lock debacle a decade ago, she has kept her head down and been a respectable member of the community.

    Still, I agree with her on this. She's basically stating that Justin misrepresents his supposed Judaism in order to bash Israel. That's 100% true. For years, Justin has stated that he was not raised Jewish, even though his dad was Jewish. He has also been clear that he's an atheist, and has been one for a long time. That's all well and good, but you can't suddenly claim your Judaism at that point when it's convenient to claim "insider" status in order to bash Jews/Israel.

    Here's her full statement:

    Some thoughts on two things I never thought I’d be compelled to combine in the same sentence, @WSOP and Judaism:

    Wsop is a private company and can run charities to benefit whatever orphans they want to, whether or not you ideologically support those *particular* orphans. WSOP reserves the sole right to ban any clothing they deem controversial. Don’t like it? You are 100% entitled to disagree. Vote with your dollars, boycott the WSOP.

    There will be zero people, including @JustinBonomo, boycotting the WSOP. Do you know why? Because despite all the rally-cries from Americans sitting in armchairs stuffed with western advantages, typing from their iPhones etched with labor abuses in China, they will actually never relinquish any luxuries or personal enrichment in service of what they “believe” in. The culture of virtue signaling > virtues themselves.

    I didn’t care to say anything public on this before, but after reading his soliloquy on His Judaism and His People, I really could not stomach it any longer. While @MazeOrBowie has correctly pointed out that Judaism is passed down maternally (ironically called “gatekeeping” by Justin, lol), that doesn’t really matter to me. I have personally had multiple conversations with Justin at parties in the past where he elucidated that he didn’t identify as Jewish, was a staunch atheist who wouldn’t classify himself that way, etc. Whether or not he has had a come-to-Abraham moment since then is irrelevant--he is now distorting Judaism as a core identity in order to amplify his ideological crusades, despite kowtowing to the grotesque, holocaust-denying Bilzerians of the world (as Justin says, his heart is in the right place, he’s just a smidge misguided).

    Of course, Justin won’t see this as I am blocked —he prefers to debate the less-educated and offer sweet reminders to people that their reading comprehension is inferior to his, instead of “deal” with a well-researched thorn in his side. These are the actions of someone he’d idealistically distance himself from, but in practice heartily embodies: a white man preferring to engage only when he can do so from a position of power.

    I do not care how Justin -or anyone- wants to identify, but using a weak and latent association to Judaism as a political tool is abhorrent. We are not only Your People when it’s convenient to support a sanctimonious self-image.
    If a Jewish person speaks out against the genocide...other Jews will call that person a self hating jew. It is an attempt to silence them. "Pay no attention to Justin, he's a self hating jew."

    I stand with Justin. Israel is commiting genocide. There was no rape. And Palestinians have a right to resist by any means necessary.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Binklage View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    In fact, that was the reason I opposed Colin Kaepernick's ability to protest the anthem at televised NFL games. If you accept the millions of dollars to play in the NFL, you give up your right to protest during their broadcasts. NFL broadcasts are not your platform to politically posture, nor are televised poker events.
    So, Nick Bosa should be blacklisted from the NFL, instead of eating the 5-figure pittance he was fined? Agree or disagree?
    I didn't say Kaepernick should have been blacklisted. And he wasn't. If he were good, he'd still be playing.

    Bosa should respect the NFL's requests to stop wearing the MAGA hat, and to stop doing any overt political stuff while on the field. A "Trump sack dance" doesn't count, by the way. And if he refuses to stop wearing the hat, they should increasingly fine him, and then blacklist him if he absolutely won't stop.

    I have never been of the belief that you have free speech at your workplace.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Small_Banana View Post
    If a Jewish person speaks out against the genocide...other Jews will call that person a self hating jew. It is an attempt to silence them. "Pay no attention to Justin, he's a self hating jew."

    I stand with Justin. Israel is commiting genocide. There was no rape. And Palestinians have a right to resist by any means necessary.
    Justin isn't a Jewish person.

    That's the whole point of what Melanie wrote.

    He's a fake Jew who took on the Jewish identity in order to give himself more credibility with his anti-Semitic nonsense.

    He has stated for many years that he's an atheist. He also was raised Christian, which is why he claims to be "ethnically half Jewish", because that's really all he is. His dad is Jewish, so even by Jewish law, he's not a Jew. But I'd look past that if he were at least a semi-practicing Jew despite having the Christian mother. He's not. He doesn't believe in God, has never been a Jew, and suddenly claims he's a Jew so he can be a cheerleader for Hamas.

    Big phony.

  19. #59
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Small_Banana View Post
    If a Jewish person speaks out against the genocide...other Jews will call that person a self hating jew. It is an attempt to silence them. "Pay no attention to Justin, he's a self hating jew."

    I stand with Justin. Israel is commiting genocide. There was no rape. And Palestinians have a right to resist by any means necessary.
    Justin isn't a Jewish person.

    That's the whole point of what Melanie wrote.

    He's a fake Jew who took on the Jewish identity in order to give himself more credibility with his anti-genocide nonsense.

    He has stated for many years that he's an atheist. He also was raised Christian, which is why he claims to be "ethnically half Jewish", because that's really all he is. His dad is Jewish, so even by Jewish law, he's not a Jew. But I'd look past that if he were at least a semi-practicing Jew despite having the Christian mother. He's not. He doesn't believe in God, has never been a Jew, and suddenly claims he's a Jew so he can be a cheerleader for Hamas.

    Big phony.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I'm pretty good at finding graves

  20. #60
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Small_Banana View Post
    If a Jewish person speaks out against the genocide...other Jews will call that person a self hating jew. It is an attempt to silence them. "Pay no attention to Justin, he's a self hating jew."

    I stand with Justin. Israel is commiting genocide. There was no rape. And Palestinians have a right to resist by any means necessary.
    Justin isn't a Jewish person.

    That's the whole point of what Melanie wrote.

    He's a fake Jew who took on the Jewish identity in order to give himself more credibility with his anti-Semitic nonsense.

    He has stated for many years that he's an atheist. He also was raised Christian, which is why he claims to be "ethnically half Jewish", because that's really all he is. His dad is Jewish, so even by Jewish law, he's not a Jew. But I'd look past that if he were at least a semi-practicing Jew despite having the Christian mother. He's not. He doesn't believe in God, has never been a Jew, and suddenly claims he's a Jew so he can be a cheerleader for Hamas.

    Big phony.
    Your post made me think of this....

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    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

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