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Thread: i feel like i should get a drone

  1. #321
    Diamond Tellafriend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    the thing about AI/ML is that its so democratized that palantir doesnt necessarily have any actual edge beyond its rolodex.

    when you consider that anyone with a credit card can deploy A100's to train with, things boil down to 'well whose got the deepest talent roster' and so far ive not seen anything out of the palantir offerings indicating they are in the top 1000 on that list.

    care to offer us simps your top plays in the space ??

  2. #322
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    the thing about AI/ML is that its so democratized that palantir doesnt necessarily have any actual edge beyond its rolodex.

    when you consider that anyone with a credit card can deploy A100's to train with, things boil down to 'well whose got the deepest talent roster' and so far ive not seen anything out of the palantir offerings indicating they are in the top 1000 on that list.
    killbots will be like bullets. Gov bullets hella expensive but still a commodity.

    Be interesting to read a gov bid spec for drones or better yet AI drones. Clearances. Mil Spec. I’m sure I’d be surprised.

    Please freestyle for us here Sonatine

  3. #323
    Diamond Tellafriend's Avatar
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      Sanlmar: 8” floppy disks
      country978: yup i think 60 mins did something on this years ago. floppy discs

  4. #324
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    the thing about AI/ML is that its so democratized that palantir doesnt necessarily have any actual edge beyond its rolodex.

    when you consider that anyone with a credit card can deploy A100's to train with, things boil down to 'well whose got the deepest talent roster' and so far ive not seen anything out of the palantir offerings indicating they are in the top 1000 on that list.

    care to offer us simps your top plays in the space ??

    honestly i dont think any of the real players in the space are public.

    if you want exposure, invest in the guys selling the shovels, not the guys sifting dirt for gold; nvda $1200+ by 2026.

    or better still find people looking to create their own ML-centric chips but who arent in taiwan and who can afford the machines that vaporize tiny dots of metal in mid-air to fabricate the wafers.

    which is a list approximately 0 entries long at the moment but should be google alert'd regardless because intel and amd dont seem to have whatever it takes to come with a shiny fresh threat to nvda's marketshare.

      Tellafriend: deep, ty
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