Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
Free nutrition and weight class.

1. Normal body weight for men is calculated by 6lb increments per inch height starting at 106 lbs at 5'0". Then a plus or minus 10% is range. Example: A man 5'10" ideal wt is 166 lbs plus or minus 10% for a range of 150 to 184 lbs.

For women it's 5'0 100lbs with 5 lbs for each additional inch additional height plus or minus 10%.

2. Daily caloric needs calculation use the Harris Benedict equation or search for easy google plug ins. BEE is basal energy expenditure, the amount of calories your body needs to maintain daily. As you lose weight you need to recalculate because as you lose, your body will require less food to maintain BEE.

For men,
B.E.E. = 66.5 + (13.75 x kg) + (5.003 x cm) - (6.775 x age)

For women,
B.E.E. = 655.1 + (9.563 x kg) + (1.850 x cm) - (4.676 x age)

Total Caloric Requirements equal the B.E.E. multiplied by the sum of the stress and activity factors. Stress plus activity factors range from 1.2 to over 2.

3. There are 3500 calories in one pound. If you calculate your caloric needs you need to subtract 500 a day to lose a pound a week. This is where exercise comes in. If you burn more you lose faster. If you choose not to exercise then you get less food.

4. There are 4 calories per gram of both carbohydrates and proteins. Fats have 9 calories per gram. Read labels to count calories. It doesn't take a scientist to see that fat packs over twice the calories than a carb or protein.

Also lolwow is funny lately.
shut up Meg