There is endless shit to write about poker vlogs and their popularity. I noticed this morning on YouTube two newly uploaded vlogs by two attractive female vloggers both named Ashley. Poker Face Ash and Ashley Sleeth. They have both got the rub from the current head honcho and current GPI vlogger of the year Brad Owen.

They are doing things the right way. They are running things from his playbook. They have been uploading vlogs first thing Monday morning (Brad Owen Tip).

So why are they both languishing between 17-18K subs? Is the whole poker community sexist? One would think that a couple of attractive females would have a meteoric rise in the growing Vlog space.

I am not going to pick apart their content. My theory is that vlogs are like in POV. The viewer is vicariously going through the journey with the vlogger. Essentially taking his place. The viewership is overwhelming male. I’m sure over 99%. The fact that these two attractive females are not growing at a much greater rate seems to back up the hypothesis.

Relatability is key in these vlogs. It’s not like other channels aren’t growing. People keep watching. Both these women are doing what they have to do. But it’s seems like it truly is about the viewer sitting in the vlogger’s seat.

Following the Slot Lady drama made me think what is difference between watching an attractive woman play slots/tables and watching them play poker. The main difference is the vlogs are really more about the poker and the Slot Lady stuff was really more about watching her.

I want to be clear this is not a criticism of either one of these ladies. The vlogs I have watched have been well done and both seem to be competent and pleasant. Just looking at their subs today got me thinking.