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Thread: Little (and little known) Las Vegas casinos with table games

  1. #1
    Bronze alpha1243's Avatar
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    Little (and little known) Las Vegas casinos with table games

    Like many other listeners of the podcast, I really enjoyed the segment on Las Vegas casinos from several episodes ago. While most of the large and medium sized properties were mentioned, there were a few little ones that were omitted from the list (at least I don't recall hearing these mentioned). Sure, there are plenty of places using the "casino" title, but they're small dives that only offer slots. Below are chips from some of the little casinos that offer (or offered) table games at one time. Has anyone every ventured into one of these little casinos?

    I've got a collection of $1 casino chips. I'll post more from time to time. It's amazing how quickly these places pop up and vanish. Does anyone else collect casino chips?

    Alamo Casino
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    Ellis Island
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    Gold Spike
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    Max Casino
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  2. #2
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I've only heard of Ellis Island of those you posted.

    How many of those four still offer table games?

  3. #3
    Bronze alpha1243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I've only heard of Ellis Island of those you posted.

    How many of those four still offer table games?
    You can click on the names of the casinos in the original post and it'll take you directly to their website.

    The Alamo still advertises that they offer table games and live poker. When I was in there I saw 2 to 3 tables which were routinely empty.

    Ellis Island still offers craps, blackjack and roulette, but oddly enough is known for their BBQ ribs and cheap steak dinners. They must be active because after opening in 1988 with their original rack of chips (shown below) they updated their rack in 2015 with the chip shown in the original post.

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    Gold Spike is probably in the worst part of the Downtown Strip. They've been there since 1981, but had a re-grand opening in February 2009, complete with a $1 limited edition grand opening chip release. I had to look them up just now since I hadn't been there in a few years. Here's a small portion of the games they currently list: Beer Pong, Connect Four, Skeeball, Cornhole, Twister, Darts, and the always popular Water Gun Clown Race. Apparently their lost their gaming license in April 2013 so would not have appeared on your list of current casinos.

    Name:  lvgoldspike2f.jpg
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    Max Casino, formerly the Casuarina, opened in 2013 and still offers blackjack and roulette.
    Last edited by alpha1243; 10-02-2016 at 06:57 AM.

  4. #4
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    I used to like to go to Ellis island for the ribs and the 1.50 microbrews but since they don't allow kids to eat there I haven't been in a number of year

    since they are basically located where Pac was killed always made for a good reference when friends and family were in town

  5. #5
    Bronze LegallyNonBindingPosts's Avatar
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    The Max is in the Westin hotel, NW corner of Koval and Flamingo. Basically katty corner from Ellis Island.

    Gold Spike is primarily a hipster bar and hotel downtown that rents some rooms as apartments. @Asian Spa claimed ability to stay there for free.

    The Alamo is inside the T-A truck stop. South end of town at Blue Diamond Rd. exit, across from Silverton casino/hotel.

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    Stephen Hawking

  6. #6
    Gold SetofKs's Avatar
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    Wild Wild west right off the strip on tropicana might fit this thead. It is connected to a crappy little days inn motel, one of those where when you open your room door, you are outside. The casino has 6 gaming tables. Once when I was on a trip to vegas for a few weeks, I stayed here for a weekend, because rooms were $60ish/night instead of $200-$300 on the strip, and they have washing machines there, so I could wash my clothes. Main thing about the place that I remember is that the ole broad that was bartending there was very angry, and rude to me for no reason.

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