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Carry on
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Ok order has been restored
Carry on
so ive got a fuckton of UAL/spy puts and a longer term AMZN call and this whole market trading sideways thing is exactly what i dont fucking need.
that said we literally might limit down later tonight, in which case my puts will bloom like a rose made of cocaine and finance whatever fiscal nihilism strikes me fancy once they pass the fuckin c19 bill.
also hilarious but true i rocked a TSLA put today for the first time in a million years and its up 179% despite the market closing up like 800 points or some obvo fake trash.
We should probably just do away with threads anyways and just have a big old mash up free for all Trump Netflix Tesla Stock Market Bitcoin discussion board
first of all how dare you
Westworld Rick and Morty American Gods Credit Card Bonus Whoring
OSA: forgot apple google facebook
Facebook Apple Google
honestly tho fb is trash but i smell what youre cooking.
I also saw you post $8000
I’ve heard children might be included.
Money/Debt is absolutely meaningless except as political currency. $1k or $8k. It really doesn’t matter to our balance sheet anymore.
Lunatic Warren’s proposals.
We shut our doors today at work. We have a lot of hourly workers. I would never participate in Warren’s plan. Never
I can’t comprehend the current monetary & fiscal lunacy or imagine the debt consequences.
I am too kind to bump the posts that basically “we will bounce back”. HODL and average down. Mother of god stupid. Corona will pass and we will survey the damage.
20,000 people in Massachusetts have been laid off so far. We are a long way from done. People and small businesses are getting wrecked.
NYC restaurants are getting savaged.
You talked about a couple with 2x$8k buying a car. I don’t think they do. They horde the cash not immediately needed for necessities and debt service. People are shook. The consumer confidence issue. Those numbers are gonna be fascinating
This is worse than 2008. Much more complicated.
yeah this is a totally different ballgame than 2008, two totally different animals.
2008 was symptomatic of corruption/incompetence/etc etc we all know what 2008 was. this is like, a pinch of that, and a fistful of 'oh right, this is what happens when you ignore scientists and listen to rush limbaugh instead'.
and people are fucking shook because not only were their fundamental beliefs wrong, but because that mistake has thrust us into absolute economic ruin and we havent even begun to feel its impact.
so stay clean, tell that cute girl from high school you loved her, get right with your parents if its not too late, get ready to bury some people important to you, and stack tf up on spy puts.
Let's get metaphorical, lol,
You know what you do when a storm is about to hit.
You shut it down. Property damage etc. still takes place
but what you value most, your life, your family, is secure.
Worried about your finances/stocks?
That's a little different. Not everyone
has their liquidity based on investments
If you're not ready for a downturn then
you're not doing it right to begin with
Wait it out, if you don't live you won't have
any problems
please keep your responses on-topic to elon tusk being god, krypt.
for ott discussion you can use the stocks and investments thread.
Sysco - the restaurant supplier needs to be etched on your desk.
SMH is a menu of delectable targets
Pretty soon Druff and Daly will be posting about Tesla.
Cintas (the worker clothing/uniform) is a great bell weather of unemployed and restaurant
Wish I thought of it
Gen Motors - 2008’ish
Western Digital. Is that a cloud casualty? Any value?