Chinamaniac $25,000 Merge/Revolution Rail
Will be starting tonight with roll of $25,000
link to bap here
Guyra - 10,604 (paid)
dodolasaumure- 7195 (paid)
MtlPokerking $2,000 (paid)
Juicestain100- $50 (paid)
Charham - $690 (paid)
lrntofoldson - $345 (paid)
Khan - $724 (paid)
GambleBotsChafedPenis- $500 (paid)
Grenada - 95 (paid)
AFFltChief1 $300 ( 230 paid, owes 70 )
Hockey Guy (paid 200)
Rolling Over- have not spoken to any of these guys yet but if they want to cash out I have a couple people to grab these shares or if worst case I will pick them up if they want out.
sitting out $288 (paid)
Kongenafpop $414 (paid)
Gnm777- $747.50 (paid)
Subhuman $138 (paid)
Joebob- $345 (paid)
kirklaja -$287.50 (paid)