Blog #2 - A Rough Week This blog discusses a rough week I had not really for poker but lots of other random life stuff go wrong while playing another heads up sng. Sorry if it comes off too complainish in parts but it is what it is and hopefully things will go smoothly for the weeks ahead. Note: If the streaming looks weird try setting it to 720p and if it still looks distorted ...
I recorded blog #1 a little over a week ago which is more of the introduction of how I got into poker and #2 is a weekly update type blog to be posted sometime in the next 24 hours. In the second blog it's less poker and more about a rough week of events that happened to me which some might find to be me complaining a lot and I'll agree I do but I'm generally a positive person just shit goes wrong for all of us from time to time. For the moment I will use Google Drive ...
Whats up everyone? Does anyone blog on PFA anymore? I guess I will give it a shot! I've decided I'm going to start a blog on here. Whether it lasts a month or goes on longer who knows but my intention is to do a blog once a week with many of them having a twist. My goal for blogs in the next few weeks will be a recorded video of me playing a random poker game which in most cases will probably be a smaller stakes HU sng (just easier ...